Over 45 years of experience in the field of plastic film production for agriculture.
The experience of Serroplast includes a range of products that are among the most complete and sophisticated in the panorama of films reserved for agricultural use, able to fulfill all needs, even the most particular ones specifically requested by the customer.
We are always careful to dialogue continuously with the community according to criteria of transparency and correctness and to spread our technology.
We have studied ad hoc packages according to the area we are addressing. In the area adjacent to ours we offer the best solution for the customer’s needs, abroad, where the market is growing, we offer complete packages that also include the installation of the vineyard.
Serroplast pays particular attention to the needs of the territories in which it operates, activating concrete initiatives in the reference communities to consolidate a relationship of mutual trust and appreciation.
Turnkey structures
Plastic films
Fumigation and mulching films
for the conservation of fruit
“We are wine growers,
before being plastic film sellers”